Sunday Mar 15, 2020
Coronavirus Pandemic - A spiritual perspective
Dear community, As you are well aware now, we have entered a global pandemic with the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19). This pandemic does not know any borders and does not discriminate who can or will be contaminated. Beyond countries, colors, religions, wealth, all of us are called to take all the necessary steps to protect ourselves, our communities, our families and the most vulnerable ones with fragile or challenged immunity. Very rarely on Earth are we facing such threats aside from climate change and ecological collapse that despite being less relayed as an emergency on the media and news channel, are probably an even biggest threat to humanity as we know it. In any times of challenges, we are called as spiritual beings, and human beings, to stay informed and face the world with a deeper sense of compassion, care, and love, embodied into concrete actions. Yet another pandemic is very obviously rampant. Fear. Anxiety. Anger. Disconnection. And this one we also have the power to change it! So on this video below that I recorded for you, I wanted to share about all this: What can we do? How to deal with fear, stress & anxiety? How to take care of ourselves and our communities? How to stay connected with each other with deeper care and compassion? And how to open our hearts to the challenges we are facing... We are ALL called into stepping deeply into our own healer!