Sacred Paths with Angell Deer
Sacred Paths with Angell Deer: Ancient Healing and Wisdom for a Modern World is a profound journey into the realms of holistic healing and ancient wisdom. Explore deep conversations with elders and wisdom keepers sharing timeless insights on shamanism, animism, and nature-related practices. Join Angell Deer as he weaves together past traditions and modern insights, offering listeners guidance and inspiration to reconnect with themselves and the natural world. With over 100 episodes, this podcast is a sanctuary for those seeking to enrich their lives through the teachings of our ancestors.

Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Plants Saved My Life
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Tuesday Aug 01, 2023
Join "Plants Saved My Life" interview replay. In this captivating episode as we delve into the world of Angell Deer, a multifaceted individual embodying roles such as mystic, medicine man, and beekeeper.
Discover how Angell integrates ancient wisdom from Andean Cosmology and Norse Shamanism into his teachings, while exploring the transformative power of plant medicine, herbalism and ancestral plant dieta.
Gain insights into his profound dedication to healing the world and fostering a harmonious vision built on meaningful relationships and reverence for all living beings. Don't miss this enlightening conversation with a renowned speaker, educator, and advocate for the preservation of bees and pollinators.
Tune in now for an inspiring exploration of spirituality, ancient traditions, and the transformative potential of plant-based healing modalities.
You can check the original recording of "Plants Saved my Life" podcast at

Monday Jul 10, 2023
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Join Ruwan Meepagala & Angell Deer for this beautiful conversation on sacred relationships, tantra, and how to heal ourselves with and through relationships.
Ruwan is a coach and podcaster (Ruwando Podcast: Psychology for Men with Brains and Balls). He draws on various schools of thought such as Jungian psychology, tantra, and hormonal research to help people achieve greater intimacy and creative purpose.
He and his wife, Nalaya, are teaching a couples retreat at the Sanctuary July 21-23.

Sunday Jun 11, 2023
From Earth to Star - A journey through ancient cosmologies
Sunday Jun 11, 2023
Sunday Jun 11, 2023
An introduction to our upcoming exceptional 5-week class.
Marita One Who Catches Lightning & Angell Deer are coming together for a deep dive into the medicine wheels of Ancient Cosmologies to offer you a 5-week class to help you transform your vision of the world and of yourself.
We will explore deep concepts inherent to those cosmologies by sharing what we learned from our elders and our past 20 years of work in close relationship with those teachings.
This class is for those seeking a deeper understanding of the Human and the Divine. For those who want to anchor and root their spiritual life into authentic and practical tools. How to bridge spiritual teachings with practical Earth incarnation. How to understand sacred relationship, interconnectedness, and reciprocity from the perspective of the ancient teachings.
You will be able to bring forth what is unresolved, stuck, confused, creating pain and a lack of flow in your life.
Through 4 gatherings of 2-hour, you will gather some pieces of this mystical puzzle and will gain important knowledge, wisdom, and tools for your life. Those teachings will be live and you will have access to the recordings too so you can keep returning to them.
This is not a simple task to share those elements of cosmology and the process of transformation will happen not only during our time together but in the weeks, months, and years following this time together.
We will explore the elementals (fire, water, air, earth), the 7 directions, the medicine wheels, the different bodies (physical, emotional, mental & spiritual), what it means to be in sacred reciprocity, how to work with prayers & manifestation, and much more.
Schedule of the LIVE classes:
Sunday, July 2nd - 2PM to 4PM ESTSunday, July 16th - 2PM to 4PM ESTSunday, July 30th - 2PM to 4PM ESTSunday, August 6th - 2PM to 4PM EST
All classes are recorded and you have access to the recording (with any tickets purchased)

Friday Jun 09, 2023
Building Communities - Challenges & opportunities
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Join us for a powerful live conversation with Rebecca Mesritz & Angell Deer on the opportunities & challenges of building communities. Hear from first-hand people who are passionate about re-building our interconnectedness with land, plants, people and ancient teachings.
Inside Community Podcast host Rebecca Mesritz is a community builder living in Williams, Oregon.
In 2011, Rebecca co-founded the Emerald Village (EVO) in North County San Diego, California. During her ten years with EVO, she supported and led numerous programs and initiatives including implementation and training of the community in Sociocracy, establishment of the Animal Husbandry program, leadership of the Land Circle, hosting both internal and external community events, and participation in the Human Relations Circle which holds the relational, spiritual and emotional container for their work.
In June of 2021, with the blessing of EVO, Rebecca and 3 other co-founders relocated to begin a new, mission- driven community and learning center housed on 160 acres of forest and farmland.
Rebecca is passionate about communal living and sees intentional community as a tool for both personal and cultural transformation.
In addition to her work in this field, she also holds a Master of Fine Arts degree from San Diego State University and creates functional, public, and interactive art in metal, wood, and pretty much any other material she can get her hands on. She's currently growing Bound for Color, creating and selling bespoke and naturally dyed art, homegoods and wearables.
She is a mother, a wife, an educator, a nurturer of gardens, an epicurean lover of sustainable wholesome food, and a cultivator of compassion and beauty.

Sunday May 14, 2023
Sunday May 14, 2023
In this interview with Tyler Richards & Angell Deer we explore how our broken relationship with the wild world, and specifically the bees, had us losing the magical teachings and healing coming from the hive. As we dive deeper into the world of bees, we are sharing with you some mystical aspects of bee colonies that we can only discover through a long deepening of our relationship with them. Bee Shamanism is probably as ancient as humans coming into contact with those unique insects. Enjoy the return to the bees, so you can experience the return to yourself.

Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
Does any of this sound familiar?
Feeling lonely because you have seen a new way of living/being but no one else seems to see what you see...
Searching for your community that gets you and daydream about starting your own so you can feel you belong.
Knowing you are ready to pivot but not feeling sure of what, or how the new alignment will be for you and the life you lead.
Feeling like you have to compromise who you are and what you need, to be successful as a leader (of your business, family, community, movement, life.)
Afraid of being stuck in the old ways of how things are supposed to be done and don’t know what direction to lead in a way that feels aligned with your heart.
Feeling disconnected from your body and wanting to find your way back to become more grounded, creative, and confident again.
If you fear you have to settle and sacrifice for how this life is supposed to be or if you have a strong desire to lead a movement of change to create a world you want to live in and leave for your children and future generations that they can thrive in, you will be relieved to know you really can fulfill your purpose, live authentically, lead a life that has meaning and depth without sacrificing what is most important to you……. And acknowledging that you have a voice that needs to be heard, seen, and felt, is the first step!

Wednesday May 10, 2023
Attract your soulmate, with shamanic and tantric practices (Dare to Love)
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Enjoy the replay of Nalaya Chakana and Angell Deer's powerful Live conversation!
What we discussed:
Nalaya's personal journey through "Dare to Love"
The shadow of the strong independent woman
Why do you keep dating the wrong people
Self-sabotage and how it prevents us from getting the love we truly desire
How to move from “protecting the heart” to “feeling secure”
What it truly means to be feminine?
How this vulnerable power is the opposite of the feminist interpretation of being powerful
How to combine shamanic and tantric practices to help enter the optimal resonance to attract your soulmate
About Nalaya:
Nalaya’s international upbringing has given her a very unique voice and approach to the art of intimacy. Her work is inspired by the many cultures that have shaped her. In particular, the tantric initiations she received in India, and the shamanic initiations she received in Peru are at the heart of her teachings.
Nalaya is passionately intrigued about all the ways we sabotage our path toward love. It's this fascination as well as her personal life's journey and its many challenges that have brought her to where she is now: living her life with the love of her life.
Her mission is simple: to inspire you to dare to love…

Friday Apr 07, 2023
Sandra Ingerman, Shamanism in the 21st century
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Friday Apr 07, 2023
Join world-renowned teacher of shamanism Sandra Ingerman and Angell Deer for a deep discussion on the immense relevance of Shamanism in the 21st century.
During this time together we discussed with Sandra the importance of shamanism to answer our world's most important questions, and the relevance of shamanism in today’s era of climate change, social injustice, political divide, and immense mental health crisis.
Shamanism is the most ancient form of spirituality and is sometimes referred to as the most ancient “technology”. We will explore how in today’s world the importance of shamanism is crucial in helping us go through this time “of the great turning”.
Sandra Ingerman, MA, a world-renowned teacher of shamanism, is recognized for bridging ancient cross-cultural healing methods with modern culture. She’s taught for 40 years, including workshops worldwide on shamanic journeying, healing, and reversing environmental pollution using spiritual methods. Sandra is a licensed marriage and family therapist, a professional mental health counselor, and a board-certified expert on traumatic stress.
Watkins Body Mind Spirit magazine honored her by including her in their 100 Most Spiritually Influential People of 2020. She was also chosen as one of the Top 10 Spiritual Leaders of 2013 by Spirituality and Health magazine and was awarded the 2007 Peace Award from the Global Foundation for Integrative Medicine.
She’s authored 12 books, including Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self... Medicine for the Earth... Walking in Light... and The Book of Ceremony: Shamanic Wisdom for Invoking the Sacred in Everyday Life. Sandra and Hank Wesselman's book, Awakening to the Spirit World: The Shamanic Path of Direct Revelation, won both the 2011 COVR (Coalition of Visionary Resources) Visionary Award and the 2011 IPPY (Independent Publisher Book Award).
Since the 1980s, thousands of people have healed from past and present traumas through Soul Retrieval, the classic cross-cultural shamanic healing method Sandra teaches.
Sandra is recognized for bridging ancient cross-cultural healing methods into our modern culture addressing the needs of our times.
Sandra is known for gathering the global spiritual community together to perform powerful transformative ceremonies as well as inspiring us to stand strong in unity so we do our own spiritual and social activism work while keeping a vision of hope and being a light in the world.
She is passionate about helping people to reconnect with nature.

Saturday Mar 18, 2023
Animism, Mysticism, and the Sacred Path
Saturday Mar 18, 2023
Saturday Mar 18, 2023
Michael Kokal interviewed me on "The End of the Road podcast" and we discussed some fascinating subjects related to animism, shamanism, and the spiritual path.
Animism is the belief in the existence of individual spirits that inhabit natural objects and phenomena. It is a shared belief and understanding of all native people across the globe since the beginning of humanity.
Here are some of the subjects we discuss in this episode:
- Understanding the importance of "clear reflection" to receive wisdom
- The false idea of separation and not belonging
- How to connect to the animate world
- The path of service embedded into Nature
- The original instructions weaved into the natural world
- The vibrations and prayers of the elementals
- Hearing the settled voices
- Practicing prayers to relate
- Calling the invisible
And more...
This episode was originally published at

Saturday Mar 11, 2023
Resilience through the collapse, agroecology & restoring the kinship
Saturday Mar 11, 2023
Saturday Mar 11, 2023
I recently had the pleasure to interview Andy the renowned podcaster of "The Poor Prole's Almach" where we discussed some fascinating and essential subjects like:
- How to survive the collapse
- The opportunity offered by agroecology
- Agroecology vs. permaculture
- Food & biodiversity, not just for the Human kin
- Invasive species & non-native species
- A more inclusive definition of "preppers"
- No we are not talking about returning to being a caveman or hunter-gatherer
- How to restore kinship across the political and social spectrum
- The necessity to embrace the changes we are in as a collective
- The potential new, innovative, and also ancient solutions.
- What you can do to help
- And more...
The global ecosystem is under immense pressure due to a combination of human activities, such as deforestation, pollution, overfishing, and the burning of fossil fuels. These activities have led to the depletion of natural resources, the destruction of habitats and ecosystems, and the release of greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change.
As a result, we are witnessing the loss of biodiversity, the collapse of ecosystems, and the degradation of soil and water quality.
Societally, we are facing numerous challenges as well. Income inequality, poverty, and discrimination are pervasive in many parts of the world, leading to social unrest and conflict. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has further exposed and exacerbated these issues, leaving many people vulnerable and struggling to survive.
In terms of civilization collapse, it is important to note that there is no single, widely agreed-upon definition of this term. Some experts argue that we are currently experiencing a slow collapse of our social and political systems due to factors such as economic instability, political polarization, and the erosion of trust in institutions. Others argue that civilization collapse would entail a more rapid and catastrophic breakdown of our infrastructure and way of life.
Regardless of the terminology, it is clear that our planet is facing significant environmental and social challenges that require urgent attention and action from individuals, communities, governments, and organizations worldwide.
The Poor Prole’s Almanac is a project dedicated to developing a framework for an ecology-centered vision of the world after capitalism inevitably collapses. Our focus is to make ecology and agriculture accessible, replicable locally, and to highlight examples of resilience in history & people actively developing those systems in real time.
If the idea of building a better, sustainable world in which humans drive positive change through our relationship with nature across the planet, then this project and our work is for you.
If you like this talk please leave us a review (spotify, iTunes podcast) as it helps us a lot and share this content with your friends and social media networks.
Podcast editing and creation are expensive so if you want to support us, please consider joining our PATREON members donation page.
Andy is an accountant, farmer, writer, and spends his free time focused on food sovereignty, through a variety of formal and informal institutions. While the host and primary researcher for the Poor Proles Almanac, he also co-hosts Tomorrow, Today, The Gastropocene miniseries, and he’s currently in the process of authoring three books through Bread & Roses Press. Andy’s also the founder of the Proles Network, which currently hosts four podcasts, and more coming. Andy can be found scouring New England looking for lost cultivars of nut trees and restoring ecosystems he may or may not have legal access to.

Sunday Mar 05, 2023
Ancient Cosmology & Medicine Path with Marita One Who Catches Lightning.
Sunday Mar 05, 2023
Sunday Mar 05, 2023
Marita and I went into a deep dive into some of the essence of the medicine path. Beyond and behind the visible or the heart-lifting steps, there are many steps that are much more difficult, heartbreaking, challenging, and humbling.
From the deep daily connection to land, the sacred ancient practice of planting seeds, to the radical responsibility and vulnerability, we can find in this exploration we took together some immense and invaluable nuggets of wisdom.
In this replay of our time with Marita One Who Catches Lightning (they/them) we allowed ourselves the space to become the medicine, and remember our relationship to time, creation, and the cosmos through the Mayan calendar.
We explore fascinating subjects like:
Building relationships with the invisible world
Learning authentically from the natural world
Calling the teacher and what it takes to stay with the teacher
Radical responsibility and humility
The power of ancient calendars and their roles in our fate and destiny
The difficult processes and steps into the Medicine Path
The stories of cacao, corn & seeds and their role in our sacred work
The deep teachings of Ancient Cosmology
And the long process of remembering & forgetting...
Our ancestors and who we are are not only in our dreams or in our remembering but we exist as well in the forgetting. Remembering takes time and vision and so all beings have found an example or a system or an observational language they have to relate to the passing of their journey.
This spark inspired the creation of calendars as they relate to time, cycles, the cosmos, and creation as can be seen in the lineages of the Olmeca, Maya, Zapotec, Aztecs, and many more mesoamerican cultures.
Join us in this exploration, let yourself receive and feel, and let those seeds Marita planted for us grow deep and slow... So you can remember how to forget.
Watch the video replay here or listen to the AUDIO on our Podcast on all podcast platforms at
If you like this talk please leave us a review as it helps us a lot and share this content with your friends and social media networks.
Podcast editing and creation are expensive so if you want to support us, please consider joining our PATREON members donation page.
Marita offers a 6-month journey with cacao and the cosmology of Mesoamerica for those called by the medicina of cacao, maize, and the earth, and just as equally the stars, the cosmos, the galactic element of creation. More info at
About Marita, One Who Catches Lightning:
Their lineage is Zapotec Sephardine and their metaphysical and spiritual training includes work in the Lakota, Mayan, Aztec, Apache, and Hopi traditions, working with Mayan Calendar, Ascended Masters, past life regression, clearing and working with energy centers (chakras), ancestral healing, working with crystals and plant medicines, mediumship, clearing and protection of places/spaces, spiritual contracts, inner child work, and working with oracular card decks.
Chosen before birth for the Medicine Path, they have been trained ever since, and teach various subjects with the permission and at the request of the elders they have apprenticed with throughout their life. Their specialty is weaving these esoteric and mystical traditions and teaching those on the medicine path to living in deep and intentional relationships with creation.

Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Walking with our shadow
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Sunday Feb 05, 2023
Discover this interview of Angell Deer done by Marita, One Who Catches Lightning (The Path of IX). Marita's lineage is Zapotec and her metaphysical and spiritual training includes work in the Lakota, Mayan, Aztec, and Hopi traditions.
We invite you to join us today for this inspiring conversation and enter with curiosity as we all learn from Angell’s perspective on how we are a reflection of dark matter and why we need to acknowledge the depth of the sickness within the system before we can begin to heal together.
We’re exploring:
- Angell’s creation story & how he is shaped by his ancestry and land
- Why the fear of abandonment & desire for connection causes us to remain in systems that don't serve us
- The differences between learning within shamanism v. conventional ways
- How land can teach both practicality & poetry
- Why some organic & eco-friendly products are still highly problematic for humanity
- How you can get involved with Angell at The Sanctuary
- And more

Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Cycles, Life & Death, Suffering & Hope
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Mother nature is cyclical, so we are. All that is born, lives, and dies… It is not something we can control.
Embracing this knowledge helps to understand life’s fragility, the importance of being present, the wisdom of acceptance and letting go.
In this tender talk, an interview with Gabriela Dias, Tantric Birth & Death Doula, I explore how to navigate life challenges while finding meaning along the way.

Friday Dec 23, 2022
Friday Dec 23, 2022
This is a replay of my interview during the Awakening Summit: Sacred Sacraments and Expanded States of Consciousness as a Path to Enlightenment and Unity. I talk about transformation, consciousness, and the opportunity we have to find purpose and meaning in life.

Sunday Dec 11, 2022
The Green Witch interview on Herbal Medicine & Earth Connection Practices
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
Sunday Dec 11, 2022
The world is changing rapidly. Between Climate change, ecosystems collapse, and the broken political, economic, and social systems, our nervous systems are put under extreme pressure. Yet, your nervous system holds the key to your health and to being able to engage fully in your life.
Herbal medicine and simple rituals aid enormously in moving through these times of evolutionary transformation with more emotional ease, greater mental clarity, and physical and spiritual peace.
Nourishing herbs like oatstraw (Avena sativa) and nettles (Urtica spp.) help us find our strength. Nervines can help with pain relief, deep sleep, and clear skin. We’ll hone in on the gifts of sedating skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora), uplifting St. John’s/Joan’s wort (Hypericum perforatum.
Robin Rose Bennett is a storyteller, writer, and herbalist. She has been offering classes in WiseWoman Healing Ways: Herbal Medicine and EarthSpirit Teachings since 1986 - at herb conferences, festivals, clinics, medical and nursing schools, and most joyously, outside with the plants.
Robin Rose shares herbal medicine with gratitude for the loving generosity of the plants and the magic, mystery, and beauty of the web of life. She is on the faculty of the New York Open Center and the Arbor-Vitae School of Traditional Herbalism, and is the author of two meditation MP3s and the books: Healing Magic- A Green Witch Guidebook to Conscious Living and The Gift of Healing Herbs - Plant Medicines and Home Remedies for a Vibrantly Healthy Life.
For more information, visit

Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Jesus, the ultimate Shaman
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Hear live from the authors of this new book that explore the bridges between the Christ healing ways and shamanism.
In a world increasingly perceived as overwhelming, chaotic, or even dangerous, people are being drawn to deepen their spirituality in response. Shamanism is one avenue that is becoming increasingly popular for achieving that goal.
Shamanism derives from millennia of worldwide, multi-cultural practices that connect the ordinary, material world to the non-ordinary world of Spirit. Today, Shamans and Shamanic Practitioners offer simple yet effective ways to help people connect with Spirit. They teach people how to move back and forth between these two worlds, whether for personal, spiritual growth or the healing of themselves, others, and the environment.
Jesus, the Ultimate Shaman is an easy-to-read book that covers a multitude of topics. Sally Denny and Steve Bull provide their readers with a basic introduction to Shamanism and describe many of the shamanic tools that are able to be used.

Friday Nov 11, 2022
The Magic of Tobacco & Tree Dieta
Friday Nov 11, 2022
Friday Nov 11, 2022
Join us for a new episode of our podcast and YouTube Interview. In this episode, I interviewed Merav Artzi and Jason Grechanik, both trained plant medicine healer (Tabaquera-Curandera), who offers ceremonies and diets with Tobacco and Trees for healing and learning, in Urubamba, the Sacred Valley of the Incas, Peru. Learn about their fascinating stories and how Tobacco and trees used in sacred & ceremonial ways can provide deep transformation, guidance, and healing.

Monday Oct 10, 2022
Living in Time of Prophecy with Grandmother ThreeCrow
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
As an elder, dreamer, and visionary, Grandmother Threecrow responds to my questions and shares insight and wisdom regarding this time of prophecy we are living in.
Here are some other questions we explored in this exceptional live online connection with Grandmother Threecrow:
- Is prophecy written in stone?- Are we helpless? Is it hopeless?- What is this timeline we are all living in and did we sign up for this? And if yes, why would we do that?- Do you believe that we are powerful co-creators and that we can create our own reality?- Do you know about the prophecy of the star children?- Do you know about the prophecy of the rainbow warriors?- Do you know about the power of word, thought and emotions?- Is humanity in a time of great change and transition?- What do you know about frequency, energy and how to use those powers?
We explored these questions and more with a deep conversation with an extraordinary elder, Grandmother Threecrow.
Grandmother Barbara Threecrow carries the legacy of her ancestors: and a linage of experiencers contactees, communicators visionaries and seers – derives from her heritage; Celt, Nanticoke Lanape/Delaware and adopted Lakota – She is a child born with a Caul, a child of the stars, healer, seer and teacher of earth ways; the way to live in harmony according to tribal consciousness and Creator’s law of one.
Grandmother is the caretaker of sacred stones – sacred bundle keeper, leader of traditional ceremony and caretaker of the Can’nupa Wakan Sacred Pipe.
Prophecy was given her over thirty years ago, that women were to return to the sacred circle to retrieve their original knowledge – to reset the code of human's fundamental nature: the blueprint of the superior intelligence and how to retrieve the ancient wisdom within our DNA – Grandmother Threecrow shares the truth of our origins, about the Star Children of today and how to see behind the curtain of this Wizards world; the matrix that generations before us were born into.
Grandmother says; We are inter-dimensional beings – we are more powerful than ever imagined –she speaks of the original agreements of the soul/spirit and our journey upon the medicine wheel of life – our purpose, place, and point of focus in regards to prophecy. She guides us on how to free ourselves from the fourth world of chaos and transition into the fifth world thousand years of peace – discloses the prophecies realized and prophecies unfolding and how and why humanity is transitioning as is the mother earth; the great ship in this cosmic realm.
We are not alone - the ancestors, the E.T's and the elementals whose presence existed from the beginning are our teachers our guides.
Grandmother speaks to our achieving of our fullest potential; higher consciousness - inner/standing, psychic extra/sensory clair-audio clair-sentient and the gifts received upon birth. She shares the importance of our knowing that our return is to become that which we were meant to be in this present and future time/line.
She will answer the often-asked question: why is this timeline unique and why am I here? Grandmother speaks of the mysteries the truth of the unknown the un-thinkable the unexplained - her wisdom covers a wide range of circumstances, phenomenon and the unexplained is explained from spiritual guidance; the guidance from the Grandmothers of the spirit realm who have been with her from the beginning and before.
Grandmother Threecrow share with us the prophecies unfolding, the law of one, this unique timeline regarding the Sacred Feminine the Sacred Masculine, living in the time of prophecy and our being asked to participate during these times of change and challenge. She brings to us the wisdom of those who dwell in the realm of spirit her guides and teachers known as the Grandmothers.

Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
Tuesday Oct 04, 2022
This is the recording of my interview with Benedict Beaumont the host of the "Inspiration festival". 35 Speakers and 15 workshops are just the bare details of what happened - the amount of fizz, pop, excitement, connection, and cocreation was off the charts.
If you wish to get the full content you can for just $49USD. It gets you to access to all this, forever.

Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Indigenous Sovereignty and Indigenous Wisdom with Brandon Maka’awa’awa
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
Wednesday Sep 28, 2022
A powerful live talk with Brandon Maka’awa’awa, the Vice President of the independent Nation of Hawaii.
Brandon came to visit our land for a few days and we wanted to give everyone the opportunity to meet him and experience his wisdom.
In this live discussion, we explore the Indigenous Nation Sovereignty of Hawai and the Hawaiian people by exploring the consequences of colonialism on the culture and ecology of the island. In this powerful discussion with Brandon Maka’awa’awa we aim to better understand the complexities and opportunities of sovereignty restoration and the unique project of Pu’uhonua O Waimanalo.
What can we learn from this particular project for the general goal of restoring Native sovereignty, how to navigate the complexity of the capitalistic and political systems, and how this ecological, social, and political project can be a frame for the general modeling of different ways to grow together in the midst of climate collapse and the restoration of social & economical justice.
Brandon Maka’awa’awa is the Vice President of the independent Nation of Hawaii. He assists President Dennis Bumpy Kanahele in the day-to-day operations of Pu’uhonua O Waimanalo, the Nation’s sovereign land base in which they are restoring the ancient and modern technology-enabled Ahupua’a ecosystem. Brandon also leads the Nation of Hawaii’s delegation to the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, where he has given many interventions on Hawaiian National Sovereignty, peaceful coexistence, reconciliation, indigenous economic development, and innovation.
Brandon is also President of Na Po’e Kokua, a non-profit organization that advocates for the development of more affordable housing options for Hawaiians. Brandon advocates on behalf of the Nation of Hawai’i at all levels of government on different issues impacting Hawaiians and their rights.,

Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
The Magical Call of your ancient prayer. How to listen? How to answer?
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
Wednesday Sep 07, 2022
In this episode, I spoke with my friend Angell Deer. Angell and I met last year when he hosted myself and my colleague, Merav Artzi, where we ran plant-medicine retreats at his wonderful property, The Sanctuary. So I enjoyed being able to sit down with Angell and learn more about his story, what brought him into this work, and what he has to share. He’s had a varied life and has an interesting perspective drawing from his own life experience and having worked in many traditions. I think you’ll get a lot out of Angell’s sharing and his wisdom. As always, to support this podcast, get early access to shows, bonus material, and Q&As, check out my Patreon page below. Enjoy!
“After a career that scaled the heights of corporate success as a CEO of global companies, I reached a turning point in my life – material success and trappings had not necessarily made me really happy or fulfilled. I had a big degree, a big job, and success that most people aspire for, but I was not happy. I decided to completely change my life and embarked on a journey of self-exploration and meditation that took me from working with Mother Teresa’s mission in India, to the jungles of Peru in search of finding meaning in life and fulfillment beyond the material demands of society today. Through seeking to transform my own life to live with a higher purpose, I made a life-changing commitment to helping others in their search for peace, harmony, and happiness.
During the last 10 years and my transformative journeys across Asia & South America, I had rare opportunities to study and meditate with master healers and teachers of all faiths. I am trained in Shamanism, Reiki & Medical Reiki, Sufi Healing, Sound Healing, Meditation, Herbalism, and Breathwork.
The big transformation happened many years ago when I started to dive into the plant world with my teacher in Peru & shamanic work with Native American & Norse traditions. I started to work with specific energies and Spirits who channel to me the healing I am using today. This method mix channeling, somatic energy work, breathwork, runes, and connection to Divine masters (Archangel Michael and Christ most frequently) through prayers. It is a very powerful energy healing that can give profound results on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual trauma. This journey of transformation is never-ending, for me too.
In 2015, I opened The Sanctuary Healing Center on my property in the Catskills where I do in-depth work with my clients, host workshops, and cultivates the land for organic vegetable farming, medicinal plants, and honey bees.”
To contact or learn more about Angell and The Sanctuary, visit his website at:
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My colleague Merav Artzi (who I interviewed in episode 28) and I are guiding plant dietas in the Sacred Valley of Peru September 14-30 and October 14-31. If you would like more information about joining us and the work I do, visit my site at:
To book an integration call, visit:
If you are able to and would like to donate to the show to help out with new content that would be deeply appreciated. For just a few dollars a month you can subscribe through Patreon and it gives you some really nice added benefits like early access to shows, bonus episodes, full interviews, and a chance to ask personalized questions.
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Music courtesy of: Nuno Moreno (end song). Visit: and And Stefan Kasapovski’s Santero Project (intro song). Visit:
Please leave any questions or comments in the comment section or email:
Thanks and until the next episode!

Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
The Ancestral Magic of one of the last Navajo Medicine Man (Chee Ramon)
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Wednesday Aug 31, 2022
Chee Ramon knows as much, possibly more, about Navajo medicine than any man alive and now, for the first time, he has agreed to bring his knowledge to a wider audience outside his Navajo homeland of Arizona and New Mexico. Following his visit, we recorded this video with his main / oldest student (Charles) to share about the magic we witnessed.
The reason Chee Ramon agreed to share this knowledge is that the old ways are rapidly dying. Today young people have to work in the white man's world and do not have the time or inclination to undergo the lengthy and arduous training a medicine man's apprentice requires. Fewer and fewer young people speak the Navajo language, and so the complicated concepts of Navajo medicine--and some are extremely complicated--cannot be passed on as there are no English words of equivalent meaning.
Chee's visit was intended to impart at least some traditional knowledge to the wider world, where it may still do some good, while there is still time to do so.
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