Sacred Paths with Angell Deer
Sacred Paths with Angell Deer: Ancient Healing and Wisdom for a Modern World is a profound journey into the realms of holistic healing and ancient wisdom. Explore deep conversations with elders and wisdom keepers sharing timeless insights on shamanism, animism, and nature-related practices. Join Angell Deer as he weaves together past traditions and modern insights, offering listeners guidance and inspiration to reconnect with themselves and the natural world. With over 100 episodes, this podcast is a sanctuary for those seeking to enrich their lives through the teachings of our ancestors.

Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
In This Place: Experiencing Sacred Plant Medicine Right Where You Are
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Turn it up! Turn it down. Have we come to believe it must be true because it’s loud? Lights flash and voices shout from every corner.
The noise is deafening, and it seems we’ve forgotten how to listen to the softer voices offering wisdom for this Shifting Now. It seems we’ve come to believe for something to be effective it must pack a punch, require extensive travel, pause our daily life, and disrupt. But this is not so.
We can experience the Sacred in this place -- right here, right now. And we will.
Join us as we turn it down, drop into our hearts, and tune into the softer -- but no less sacred -- voice of the plants. Together, we will listen and gather sacred plant medicine right where we are.
In our time together, you will be invited through conversation and participation to open to the possibility of communicating with plants and receiving sacred medicine messages while in a state of normal consciousness.
Space will be held for you to sit and listen with a plant, experience its essence, receive its messages, share your experience (if you choose), and be blessed by the medicine shared by others.
Amanda Nicole is a liriodendress, a divine daughter of the tulip poplar tree. An intuitive plant medicine practitioner and divine channel, she believes Heaven & Earth merge at the heart-center of every human. With plants in her heart & words on her lips, Amanda writes, speaks, and sings in service to the Divine, inspiring individuals to fully embody their divine essence, access the freedom of their unique self-expression, and enjoy the miracle of becoming fully human. You are invited to connect with Amanda via her website:

Sunday Mar 06, 2022
Sunday Mar 06, 2022
My interview with Elder Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq, shaman, traditional healer, storyteller, and carrier of the Qilaut (winddrum), whose family belongs to the traditional healers of the Far North from Kalaallit Nunaat, Greenland.
His name means ‘The Man Who Looks Like His Uncle’. Since he was a child he was trained by his family- especially by his Grandmother Aanakasaa – for becoming a shaman.
The spiritual task given by his mother is: “Melting the Ice in the Heart of Man”.
Angaangaq bridges the boundaries of cultures and faiths in people young and old. His work has taken him to over 70 countries around the world. He conducts circles, seminars, and Aalaartiviit – traditional sweat lodges. His teachings are deeply rooted in the wisdom of the oral healing traditions of his people, which enabled people over thousands of years to survive in one of the harshest places on Earth.
Angaangaq is a Keynote-Speaker at international conferences about climate change, environment, spiritual and indigenous issues. Since a ceremony in Greenland in 2009 where the “sacred fire” has been brought back to Greenland, he is carrying the title “Angakkorsuaq” – “Great Shaman”.
“The greatest distance in the existence of Man is not from here to there nor from there to here. Nay, the greatest distance in the existence of Man is from his mind to his heart. Unless he conquers that distance he can never learn to soar like an eagle and realize his own immensity within.” Angaangaq Angakkorsuaq
Please support our Elder with donation to Ice Wisdom

Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Breath as a Bridge Into Ancient Cosmology
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
Tuesday Feb 15, 2022
I discuss here the power of Breathwork when combine with Ancient Cosmology and Shamanism. This interview is part of The Breathwork Summit a free online event. For more information, please visit This recording is a copyright of The Shift Network. All rights reserved.

Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
The Animals as Allies: Remembering How to Listen
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
I invite you to come back into being, to sit with me as we embark on the journey of great remembering. Remembering that we are not only the Little Brothers and Sisters to all that surrounds us, but also that we are them and they are us. They - we - have been waiting and watching for the moment to listen. The Animals have so much to share with us, not only wisdom but truth about ourselves. Even the most unexpected creatures, mundane and fantastic, offer up alliance if we are willing to sit and listen.
In this LIVE talk we discuss:
•What is the difference between an Ancestral Ally, Lifetime Ally, and Situational Ally?
•How can I identify my Allies?
•How can I work with my Allies?
•How can I honor my Allies?
About Casey Certain
Casey Certain has felt deeply connected to the Blue Ridge Mountains of South Carolina since childhood and began welcoming the friendship and messages from the Animals since that time. Honing her skills through observation and education, she also works to collect and retell the Animals’ cultural stories as they see fit. Her mission has been to aid in the universal process of learning, growing, and healing as we each acknowledge not only our own personal Divine existence but the Divine existence and connection of each and every other being. After serving youth who were from at-risk situations for seven years, Casey began to embrace her identity and role of not only teacher but healer in 2020.
Working to explore, record, and share what the Animals, Plants, and Land wish to share and teach, she now offers private sessions and retreats as an Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner at her homestead in Walhalla, South Carolina, with her husband David. She is trained in hypnotherapy, meditation, breathwork, yoga, aromatherapy, auriculotherapy, among other modalities.
Her great joy, however, is introducing individuals to the Animal Allies who have been working, and who wish to continue working, with them in order to bring balance to their healing journey. Her own journey is assisted most frequently by Rabbit, Blue Jay, Fox, Crow, and Black Snake.
You can learn more about her homestead and healing arts practice at and find some of her recorded Animal Meditations on her Patreon Inner Certainty Healing Arts.

Monday Aug 16, 2021
Myth, Mycelium, and Rewilding Masculinities
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Join us for an exceptional discussion on Myth, Mycelium, and Rewilding Masculinities with Sophie Strand.
Some of the themes we explored:
How has patriarchy colonized the ideas of the masculine?
What does it mean to use mycelium to think through myths?
How can we root ancient stories in ecology?
What makes ancient myths potent in the age of ecosystem collapse?
How does storytelling allow us to transcend our human narratives?
What is the role of modern science in reinterpreting ancient myths?
How can we complicate our ideas of progress and individuality via folklore and biology?
Are there any modern examples of these ancient mythic figures?
How has the history of monotheism obscured the biodiversity of masculine spiritualities and archetypes? In particular, the figures of Dionysus, Orpheus, Tolkien, Rabbi Yeshua, Tristan, Merlin the Wizard, Parzifal, and King David were focus points of Sophie's recent books.
In this live discussion with Sophie, you will have the opportunity to learn some beautiful wisdom teachings from her and to ask questions.
Sophie Strand is a poet, historical-fiction writer, and essayist based in the Hudson Valley with a focus on the intersection of spirituality and ecology. Her first book of essays The Flowering Wand: Lunar Kings, Lichenized Lovers, Transpecies Magicians, and Rhizomatic Harpists Heal the Masculine is forthcoming from Sacred Planet Books (Inner Traditions). She has three chapbooks: Love Song to a Blue God (Oread Press) and Those Other Flowers to Come (Dancing Girl Press) and The Approach (The Swan )Her writing has been published by The Dark Mountain Project,, Unearthed, Braided Way Magazine, Creatrix Magazine, and Your Impossible Voice. And you can continue to follow her work and poetry on Facebook or Instagram: cosmogyny.

Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Embodied Plant Medicine
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Join us for an exceptional discussion on Embodied Plant Medicine with Amanda Nicole.
What if my body is my basket, and I become the Tulip Poplar tree? The call of the plants is not primarily for them but for me -- a Divine invitation to fully Embody and Be. When I am the vessel holding Nettles' green leaves, the cup remains empty, untouched by tea, and I am the Medicine and the Medicine is me.
Some of the themes we explore:
* Plants as Instruments of Incarnation
* Embodied Plant Medicine -- Becoming the Divine Rose
* Sexual Trauma & Plant Medicine
* Bear as Guide & Companion
* Listening to the Voices of the Land

Friday May 28, 2021
Touching the Divine Through Embodied Consent
Friday May 28, 2021
Friday May 28, 2021
Join us for a conversation and practice to learn simple tools to engage more consciously with the world — from our relationships with one another to our relationship with the earth.
Consent goes beyond touch and beyond the bedroom, and it touches every aspect of our lives. The more you connect with the wisdom in your body, the more authentic your expressions become — whether it’s stating what you want for yourself, or what you are willing to engage in with another.
In this episode we explore:
Connecting to subtle sensation and a feeling of aliveness
Connecting to your yes and no and feeling it in your the body
The challenges of asking for what you want and putting your desires forward
About Robyn
Robyn Dalzen is an international intimacy coach and consent facilitator and is passionate about helping people find what brings them joy — in their body and in their life. Her work is at the intersection of mindfulness, consent, embodiment, and sexuality — guiding people to slow down and bring awareness to what they desire, practice the skills to communicate those desires, and create clear agreements to receive exactly what they want.
She is co-founder of the School of Consent with Dr. Betty Martin, creator of the Wheel of Consent. She has certifications as a Transformational Leadership Coach, Wheel of Consent® Facilitator, and Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercise (TRE®) provider, and is completing her training as a Sexological Bodyworker. She is also a collaborator and coach with Self:Cervix. She has worked with hundreds of clients and presented to thousands of individuals at Tantra and Sexuality festivals in Europe and Australia.
Find out more about Robyn and her work here:

Tuesday May 18, 2021
Green Witch Wisdom
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Green Witch Wisdom with Robin Rose Bennett - Herbal Medicine and EarthSpirit Teachings for personal, social and planetary Healing.
In this live conversation we explore the following themes:
1. Connections between the Green Witch Path and the Shamanic Path
2. Reconnecting with the Earth – Simple practices are profound
3. Engaging Mystery – Cycles of Transformation, Earth holidays as energetic gateways
4. Herbal Medicine as the people’s medicine – All Plants are mind-altering
5. Moon Magic and Divine Feminine Wisdom for everyone/all genders
Robin Rose Bennett is a story-teller, writer, and herbalist. She has been offering classes in WiseWoman Healing Ways: Herbal Medicine and EarthSpirit Teachings since 1986 - at herb conferences, festivals, clinics, medical and nursing schools, and most joyously, outside with the plants.

Tuesday May 11, 2021
Stop Sabotaging your path to Love - Tantra & Shamanism
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
- Patterns in love, and why they can become self-destructive
- Why protecting your heart often leads to attracting again a challenging experience in love
- What is the relation between fear and desire, and how can you overcome this loop of repeating what you don't want, and finally open up to what you do want
- What to do when you've experienced toxic partnership in the past
- How to clear out your own shadows, to be able to open to trust in a sincere way
- How to interpret intimacy through the medicine wheel? Here we will look at the elements and how they together form the wholeness we search for in love
- Ancestral ties - patterns of the past - mother father archetypes.
Nalaya is an intimacy life coach, healer, and retreat facilitator. She was born in The Netherlands, raised in various countries, traveled the world for over a decade, and is now residing in Thailand after having lived in the Sacred Valley of Peru for 5 years. She has trained in India (where she also lived for 5 years) with various masters from the Siddha lineage and received initiations into Shaktipat, Kundalini, and other Tantric Traditions. Her sessions are based on a variety of intensive training she did in Asia, India, as well as Europe. Later, she worked with shamans in Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia. All from various tribal traditions. Nalaya has worked with hundreds of clients from all over the world. She implements a unique mixture of tantric techniques based on shamanic principles.

Monday Apr 26, 2021
Shamanic Herbalism with Matthew Wood
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
In this very educative, fun, and filled with wisdom discussion, Matthew and I discuss the magical realm of the intersection between Shamanism & Herbalism. - Matthew's calling into Herbalism & Shamanism - From being a Quaker to Herbalism as a platform to connect with Nature - Seven Herbs, Plants as Teachers, the intersection of Plants & Myth - Plant Dieta and learning wisdom from Plants - Herbalist or Wizard? - Knowing the plants who can kill you and those who can heal you - The different ways to be an Herbalist - The separation from land, plants and how we criminalized Nature - 4 plants to work with for your Health - Harvesting sustainably

Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Francis Weller - An apprenticeship with Sorrow - Live Interview
Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Saturday Apr 10, 2021
Grief and loss touch us all, arriving at our door in many ways. It comes swirling on the winds of divorce, or the death of someone dear, as an illness that alters the course of a life. For many of us, our grief is tied intimately to the ravages we witness daily to watersheds, forests and the disappearance of species, the silencing of languages, and the coarsening of culture. And yet our encounters with sorrow are often met with confusion, fear, and overwhelm. We are uncertain how to meet this difficult guest when it surfaces in our lives.
This brief presentation will explore the elements of an Apprenticeship with Sorrow. It is through the rites of grief that we are, in turn, ripened as human beings. Grief invites gravity and depth into our world. Our work is to understand grief not only as an emotion but also a core faculty of being human, a profound capacity to metabolize sorrow into something nutrient-dense for the community. This apprenticeship is, at heart, about the crafting of elders capable of meeting the pain and suffering of the world with a dignified and robust bearing. This is soul activism intended to foster deep cultural change.

Monday May 11, 2020
Shamanic Meditation (2)
Monday May 11, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
Here is a recording of our online live weekly shamanic meditation. We invite you to join us live in this gathering to experience this meditation in community. Every week is a different meditation and shamanic journey, that allows you to explore your own healing through a guided journey with Spirits.

Sunday May 03, 2020
What would love do?
Sunday May 03, 2020
Sunday May 03, 2020
This is my interview with Daniel Levin from the Mosaic Podcast. Daniel interviewed me and we explore plenty of beautiful questions.
Here is what you will hear on this podcast
- The amazing feeling of meeting a stranger and feeling like you have known them for years- That moment where Angell made a life-changing decision to leave running a major global corporation to do the spiritual work that his soul needed that brought him to open up a retreat in the Catskills called The Sanctuary- We only change when life becomes unacceptable- The real feelings that came when he made this decision- Hear what he felt when he saw himself 40 years down the line- The moment he collapsed walking off the stage of receiving a big award and seeing what success is- Did he ever think to go back to life he used to do?- The search for meaning and what we give meaning to- What are you praying for?- The early warning signs that it is time to give up what we know we have to give up but are scared to give up.- The technique to fast forward our life to the moment we are on our deathbed and to ask are with happy with the life we have lived.- The unresolved question of purpose, the pain it causes and the process of numbing that pain- If you were to die tomorrow, god forbid, would you be happy with the life that you have lived or is the music of your life still unseen inside your soul?- The fear of plunging into love and giving ourselves entirely so that we can be the person we want to be unveiled- The experience of oneness and the fear that came- The revealing of the shadow and the beautiful opportunity to feel it- A different helpful view of fear- The Shamanic path lives in the middle- An exquisite image of a mother with no arms the Buddhist call compassion- The work he does is an invitation to a way of life, a shift of being and a change of narrativethe butterfly effect of love- What surprised him most about the second version of his life- The beautiful capacity we have to really connect and what happens when we do.- The paradox of my life is not about me, it is about others and there is no others.- What medicine do we bring that allows the CEO to heal the Shaman and the Shaman to heal the CEOthe hopeful pessimist and the hopeless optimist

Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Shamanic Meditation
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Join us for this replay of our weekly shamanic meditation. A beautiful journey of meditation meets shamanic journeying. A prayer and practice to find our light center in those times of great transition. See you live with us on Thursdays. Visit for more info and signup.

Sunday Mar 15, 2020
Coronavirus Pandemic - A spiritual perspective
Sunday Mar 15, 2020
Sunday Mar 15, 2020
Dear community, As you are well aware now, we have entered a global pandemic with the spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19). This pandemic does not know any borders and does not discriminate who can or will be contaminated. Beyond countries, colors, religions, wealth, all of us are called to take all the necessary steps to protect ourselves, our communities, our families and the most vulnerable ones with fragile or challenged immunity. Very rarely on Earth are we facing such threats aside from climate change and ecological collapse that despite being less relayed as an emergency on the media and news channel, are probably an even biggest threat to humanity as we know it. In any times of challenges, we are called as spiritual beings, and human beings, to stay informed and face the world with a deeper sense of compassion, care, and love, embodied into concrete actions. Yet another pandemic is very obviously rampant. Fear. Anxiety. Anger. Disconnection. And this one we also have the power to change it! So on this video below that I recorded for you, I wanted to share about all this: What can we do? How to deal with fear, stress & anxiety? How to take care of ourselves and our communities? How to stay connected with each other with deeper care and compassion? And how to open our hearts to the challenges we are facing... We are ALL called into stepping deeply into our own healer!

Friday Dec 27, 2019
The Psychedelic Gospels
Friday Dec 27, 2019
Friday Dec 27, 2019
The Psychedelic Gospels, The Secret History of Hallucinogens in Christianity is a book from Jerry B. Brown. Discover an exclusive interview of Jerry cutting edge research on this subject.
Jerry B. Brown, Ph.D., is an anthropologist, author, and activist. From 1972-2014, he served as Founding Professor of Anthropology at Florida International University in Miami, where he designed and taught a course on “Hallucinogens and Culture.” Professor Brown writes on psychedelics and religion. He is co-author of The Psychedelic Gospels: The Secret History of Hallucinogens in Christianity (2016); and of “Entheogens in Christian Art: Wasson, Allegro and the Psychedelic Gospels,” Journal of Psychedelic Studies, 2019.
You can find more info on Jerry & Julie Brown at and more info on our shamanic healing center at
View the video of this interview at

Saturday May 11, 2019
Four Directions, Four Elements, Four Prayers
Saturday May 11, 2019
Saturday May 11, 2019
The 4 directions (East, West, North & South), the 4 elements (Fire, Water, Air & Earth) are the foundations for shamanic practices and prayers. In this episode, I share an introduction to this powerful ancient knowledge to offer you a way to connect with this ancient wisdom in service of your healing and the healing of humanity. I also discuss the 4 traditional prayers associated with this practice.

Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
The Mystical Positivist - Part 2 - Interview
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
"The Mystical Positivist," is dedicated to the application of reason in the pursuit of spiritual practice and development. I look to this format to be challenging and a bit controversial in that the New Age community tends to have an overly romantic picture of the gritty pursuit of spiritual transformation. My thesis is that rationality is in no way the antithesis of deep mystical experience, in fact, I assert that it is a necessary ally - hence the blog name "Mystical Positivist."

Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
The Mystical Positivist - Part 1 - Interview
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
Tuesday Apr 09, 2019
"The Mystical Positivist," is dedicated to the application of reason in the pursuit of spiritual practice and development. I look to this format to be challenging and a bit controversial in that the New Age community tends to have an overly romantic picture of the gritty pursuit of spiritual transformation. My thesis is that rationality is in no way the antithesis of deep mystical experience, in fact, I assert that it is a necessary ally - hence the blog name "Mystical Positivist."

Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Deep Intimacy
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Tuesday Jan 08, 2019
Our capacity to feel a deep intimacy with others is directly linked to our capacity to feel that intimacy with ALL of ourselves, including our pain, shame, anger, grief, and all our trauma. Only through self-work and through "opening the conversation" with ourselves and others can we dive to the depth of Intimacy, the depth of knowing who we are. We need to become comfortable with the uncomfortable.

Monday Sep 18, 2017
Spirit Connection and Channeling
Monday Sep 18, 2017
Monday Sep 18, 2017
As we are healing ourselves we open our Heart for a deeper and more intimate connection to Spirit. In that process, we can be able to channel messages and guidance for ourselves and for Humanity.

Monday Jun 26, 2017
The Spiritual Consequences of drinking Alcohol
Monday Jun 26, 2017
Monday Jun 26, 2017
Although it is mass produced, mass promoted, legal, and ingested by a multitude of people all over the world, Alcohol is a toxic substance for the body, mind and also Spirit. Discover the big negative impact it has on your Spiritual journey.